Church of Chico


About Our Church

John 15:4

“Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me.”


Every Sunday at 9am


“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” Matthew 28:19-20


Facilitate individual growth in knowing, following, and becoming more like Jesus.

What You Can Expect...


Friendly Christian Community


Solid Bible Teaching


Contemplative Worship and Prayer


Dynamic Community Ministry

Our Community

Is deeply conscious of the Gospel’s influence, recognizing its significance not only for our salvation but also in shaping our interactions within the world and among each other. “For God so loved the world” is embedded in our ethos and extends warmly to our visitors. We anticipate that newcomers will experience the embrace of God’s love through the welcoming atmosphere of our community.

Our Approach to Teaching

Blends expository and topical teaching, ensuring that sermons not only explore the text’s immediate context but also delve into its historical setting, the author’s purpose, the influence of historical and cultural factors, and its application to individual lives. We hold the conviction that Scripture is dynamic and personal, capable of penetrating our hearts and facilitating profound change. Thus, our sermons are intentionally directed towards fostering a life-changing experience, guiding us towards deeper understanding and personal growth.

Our Worship Sessions

Are typically contemplative and God-directed. The music and hymns we sing are often theologically deep and worshipful – a blend of of hymns and modern songs that fit the theme for the day. Expect to see people engaged in worship with raised hands or bowed knees.

Each Sunday we dedicate a portion of our service to a shared ministry time – a heartfelt tradition where we uplift, confess to, and intercede for one another. This might include recounting moments when God provided in times of need, or overcoming difficult circumstances through His direction. Other times have included confessing sins, inspirational thoughts from Scripture, and words of encouragement from the Lord.

Explore uplifting past sermons by our dedicated teachers, who, with wisdom, passion, and the guidance of the Holy Spirit, aim to lead our community in spiritual formation. We hope that all are encouraged, challenged, and inspired as our teachers help us know Jesus and make Him known.