Church of Chico


About Our Church

John 15:4

“Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me.”

Matt Watkins, Lead Pastor

I am honored to serve Abide Church as elder and pastor. After working as an attorney for nearly 17 years, God moved me into full-time ministry in 2020, and it has been a whirlwind ever since. After almost five years working with Firm Family Church, the Lord provided the opportunity to launch Abide in Summer of 2024. Chico has been my home since age 1, and I long for God's Kingdom to come and will to be done here in this community. I desire to give the Holy Spirit free reign in my life and our Church, holding nothing back. I love the Word of God, and studying and preaching is one of my greatest joys. My wife Erin and I have been married since 2003 and have four delightful children, Skylar, Henry, Luke and Abigail. I find great pleasure in spending time in Bidwell Park hiking or biking, reading, and watching classic and foreign films (you should check out Babette's Feast, it's one of my favorites).

Explore uplifting past sermons by our dedicated teachers, who, with wisdom, passion, and the guidance of the Holy Spirit, aim to lead our community in spiritual formation. We hope that all are encouraged, challenged, and inspired as our teachers help us know Jesus and make Him known.